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Michael Wright’s Stellar Reputation is Only Getting Better

Michael Wright Case Study

Michael Wright values his reputation. He’s been underwriting mortgages in rural North Alabama for over 20 years, where reputation matters. 

“I’m from a small town — reputation is huge. I’ve watched other places hurt my reputation, and I’ve watched MortgageRight help it,” he said. “That is ultimately all on me, but MortgageRight backs me, and their support goes a long way.”

– Michael Wright

The fact that he’s still around, underwriting new mortgages and doing repeat business every day, means his reputation is stellar. 

He’s built his success through decades of hard work, but his move to MortgageRight helped him build his reputation and his mortgage branch to the heights they are today.

Before Making the Jump to Branch Management 

Michael cut his teeth working in the mortgage departments of the nation’s largest banks. He learned the technical aspects of the lending process and put in his reps on the day-to-day lending tasks at volume for five years. 

With success and confidence under his belt, Michael made the jump to corporate mortgage lending in 1999, where he experienced the industry from a retail and broker perspective. He joined the team at a retail branch and began working his way up the ladder. 

Branching Out

When he finally took over his own branch, Michael knew he was ready to grow his business for himself, his team, and his larger organization. And he did. He closed mortgages every month and built a reputation as a reliable and efficient lender who would always answer a call and never miss a deadline. 

However, as time passed, Michael noticed he wasn’t seeing the growth he expected. The profit and loss sheets didn’t feel right, and the rates and loan products in his arsenal became less and less competitive. 

“The rates and products pushed me out of the market. They seemed content with me being a junk lender, but I wasn’t. Challenged borrowers are people I want to help out, but I have to have the rates and products to do it. It’s the difference between helping and taking advantage.”

– Michael Wright

That’s when Michael decided to pick up the phone.

Discovering MortgageRight

Being in the mortgage business in the Southeast, Michael had been acquainted with members of the MortgageRight leadership team for years. They had even floated the idea that he open a branch with them, but Michael was too busy being a branch manager to think about that. 

That was until he realized his branch wasn’t growing even when he did everything right. His retail branch’s P&L looked more like a franchisee expense report. 

“If you’re halfway decent in this business, you always get recruiter calls and texts — your NMLS number is out there on display. But when Lincoln and Chris reached out, it was like I was talking to buddies from school. They told me they thought a move would benefit them and me. I said it wasn’t the right time. They never tried to push me or sell me. But they were right. I should have listened way back then.” 

– Michael Wright

Branch Manager Success and Growth With MortgageRight

The move to MortgageRight changed Michael’s life for the better, and he wasn’t the only one to experience this impact. 

“It’s been life-changing for my family. The amount of money I’ve made here, just being able to manage this and adjust based on the market, is amazing. The best part is that I can go home and enjoy time with my family. I’ve never had to miss a ballgame. And now I get to spend time with my grandchildren. I don’t feel like I have to look over my shoulder when I get home.”

– Michael Wright

Having MortgageRight’s resources, product mix, and support has also freed Michael to work on being a better leader. He’s proven to his referral network that he can close a loan quickly. His clients know he’ll find them the best loan for their situation instead of pushing them into one loan or another. His colleagues and competitors can rely on him for advice. 

“Success, as I’ve gotten older, looks more like being someone my realtors and customers can count on. I want to be a professional. I want to be a real pro. I’m proudest when I have people call and say, “This won’t make you any money, but I value your opinion.” 

– Michael Wright

Advice and Lessons Learned

Michael said one of the first things MortgageRight owner Chris Carter told him was that if he could bring in his own loans, MortgageRight would have the machine in place to make it easier and more profitable.

“If you need someone to bring you loans, this probably isn’t the right fit. But if you have a strong referral network and are confident in your pipeline, they have, start-to-finish, the best process of anywhere I’ve worked.”

– Michael Wright

And Michael has worked everywhere. He has done mortgage lending for banks, brokers, retail branches, net branches, and now MortgageRight. 

How MortgageRight Helps Support Success 

To be a great mortgage branch manager, you have to do a lot of things that aren’t lending. Being a great lender doesn’t make you great at back-office management. And even if you can handle those things, a branch manager’s time is most valuable when they’re generating new business and closing loans on time. 

Better culture

Michael said MortgageRight helps him take on more volume in good times, but the support team has his back even when the pipeline is lean. 

“Sometimes you need someone to say, ‘It’s ok. Take the day off. Hang out with your family. Charge your batteries.’” 

– Michael Wright

Michael knows he can get anyone in the company on the phone, and since most of the team is the same as it was the day he started, they know who he is and what his branch needs. 

Less micromanaging

MortgageRight provides the product mix, underwriting support, tech stack, and marketing support a branch manager needs to be successful. However, the team doesn’t micromanage how branch managers use those resources.

Michael looks at his P&L, which is updated in real time, to see where he can improve, how he can invest, and which investments should be right-sized. He makes the final call.

Communication and transparency

The MortgageRight portal has all the data, tools, and resources branch managers need to run their branches’ day-to-day operations. The leadership team is always available when questions arise, and the reports are always available and up to date. 

“When I looked at my first-quarter P&L, I thought, ‘I knew it!’ I knew I was making money this whole time. I just never realized how much.”

– Michael Wright

MortgageRight partners with successful managers and trusts them to operate their businesses on a true P&L model.

Grow Your Mortgage Branch Manager Salary 

Get the tools and resources you need to maintain a stellar reputation in an increasingly competitive environment. Be the branch manager you know you can be with MortgageRight’s experienced team in your corner.

Schedule a demo to get started.